So I arrived in San Diego last week with a few slots available to tattoo. The first day I walked into Five Two Tattoo there was this fella sitting there waiting for me. After talking a bit he asked me if I would be interested in tattooing a "dick on a swing" on his inner thigh. Initially I was really not feeling the idea so I told him I'd think about it and get back to him. After a couple days of dishin around the idea I decided to give it a try. This is what I came up with.
In today's news, Pick and I took a train from San Diego to L.A. It was about a 3 hour trip total. Arrived in L.A. at about 7PM and have been hangin around the hotel catchin up on some internet time. Tomorrow we're gonna stop by the Tattoo Lounge here in Venice beach and talk to Bugs a bit before we head out to the beach to take some photos and do some sketchin. Gotta a couple tattoos that I did in Miami that I'd like to post so hopefully I'll have a little time tomorrow to post them. Till then, Enjoy my Swingin Dick:)