Gift Cards... Come get some.

It's been an excellent week here at the shop! A lot of people have been using their holiday time wisely and coming down to the shop to get tattooed. Black Friday is upon us and we are very grateful to work in a non-retail environment.

Speaking of holiday cheer, we have gift certificates available at the shop! Tattoos, the gift that keeps on giving. Werd up!


Wow! Someone getting a tattoo without 25 words and banners obviously explaining the tattoo? WTF?!! Oh wait, it's Jordon our counter guy... that's why. If only everyone got "tattoo style" tattoos. I hear a picture is worth a thousand words. Now, with all smarminess aside, que pics.

Oh, Mr. Wathke, what style you have sir.

Pootie Tang Fever

Us folks here at Hell Bomb Tattoo are taking our web presence to the next level... the Pootie Tang level that is. Smackin' it in the ass with a belt and letting you know, no matter how ridiculous, the tomfoolery that occurs here at our lovely establishment! At the very least, we'll try to keep you entertained, and hopefully keep you informed of our work related efforts as well.

Jordon May, our counter guy extraordinaire, will be taking over this blog! It may be a disaster, but the blood will be on his hands from now on. Wish him luck... it's gonna get weird.

Indelible Tattoo Art Show... Success!!!

Thanks to everyone who made it out for the Indelible show last weekend! The turnout was amazing and we had a great time. A special thanks to Brad Ruder at Tangent Lab for hosting the show making it a grand success! We'd also like to thank Ian Stewart and all the contributing artist for their submissions, we wouldn't have a show without you. We are throwing around the idea of making this an annual event, so be on the lookout next year. Here's a few pics of the opening reception.